Moses Seenarine - Works & Works Cited
- [VFS] 2004. Voices from the Subaltern: Education and Empowerment Among Dalit Untouchable Women in India. Mellen Press.
(1) wiki entry on Demographics of Guyana
- [CVEG] 2017. Cyborgs Versus the Earth Goddess: Men's Domestication of Women and Animals and Female Resistance. Xpyr Press.
- [MCC]2016. Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming. Xpyr Press.
- [VFS] 2004. Voices from the Subaltern: Education and Empowerment Among Dalit Untouchable Women in India. Mellen Press.
- [RIW] 1996. recasting indian women in colonial guyana: gender, labor and caste in the lives of indentured and free laborers., Nov 1
- [DWV] 1996. Dalit Women: Victims or Beneficiaries of Affirmative Action Policies in India - A Case Study. Paper presented at a Brown Bag Lecture held by the Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, on April 10th.
- [DFF] 1997. "Dalit Female Education and Empowerment." Published in Dalit International Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb.
- [AFB] 1998. The anti-feminist brigade: women who hire domestic workers. Saxakali
- [POC] 1999. The Persistence of Caste in India and the Diaspora., Sept 1
- [BAC] 2000. “Boundaries and Community: Indo-Caribbean Identities in the US.” Saxakali
[CI] 2009. Cultural Intifada in the USA: Palestinian and Jewish American Artists Defending the Homeland. Documentary. 67 mins. Distributed by National Film Network.
- [DWV] 1996. Dalit Women: Victims or Beneficiaries of Affirmative Action Policies in India - A Case Study. Paper presented at a Brown Bag Lecture held by the Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, on April 10th.
- [DFF] 1997. "Dalit Female Education and Empowerment." Published in Dalit International Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb.
- [AFB] 1998. The anti-feminist brigade: women who hire domestic workers. Saxakali
- [POC] 1999. The Persistence of Caste in India and the Diaspora., Sept 1
- [BAC] 2000. “Boundaries and Community: Indo-Caribbean Identities in the US.” Saxakali
[CI] 2009. Cultural Intifada in the USA: Palestinian and Jewish American Artists Defending the Homeland. Documentary. 67 mins. Distributed by National Film Network.
(2) wiki entry on Pare women in Tanzania
(3) POC reference in n.d. Metapedia on Caste System in India (Spanish)
(4) reference in Guida Jackson-Laufer. 1999. Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide. ABC-CLIO.
(5) DWV reference in Uthaya Naidu. 1999. Aryan Invasions & Genocide of Negroes, Semites & Mongols. The Bible of Aryan Invasions, Vol. IV. Jabalpur, Sudrastan Books.
(6) POC reference in Staff. 2001. Caste Discrimination: A Global Concern. A Report by Human Rights Watch for the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Rekated Intolerance. Durban, South Africa. Sept. and
(7) RIW reference in Piya Chatterjee. 2001. A Time for Tea: Women, Labor, and Post/Colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation. Duke University Press, Nov 29.
(8) RIW reference in Verene Shepherd. 2002. Maharani's Misery: Narratives of a Passage from India to the Caribbean. University of the West Indies Press.
(9) BAC reference in Staff. 2002. Finding a Path to South Asian American Community Development, A repor to the Housing and Community Development Needs Assessment of South Asian Americans in New York City. Chhaya CDC
(10)DFF & DWV reference in Vinayak N Srivastava. 2002. India's Caste System under Attack: The Dalit Movement. In S. G. Benson, N. Matuszak, & M. A. O'Meara (Eds.) History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide (Vol. 4). Detroit: Gale.
(11) DFF reference in Marika Vicziany. 2002. The Breakthrough Generation: Dalit Youth in Contemporary India. Harvard Asia Quarterly. Vol VI, no. 2 Spring.
(12) RIW reference in O Heraldo. 2002. The Great Goan "Siddhi Controversy". Colaco, April 19.
(13) BAC ending quote in Ashley W. Doane & Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Eds. 2003. White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism. Psychology Press
(14) reference in Mariam Pirbhai. 2003. A Question of Cultural Conviction... in Sarah Lawson Welsh, Editor of Special Caribbean Issue of World Literature Written in English (now Journal of Postcolonial Writing) 39.1
(15) AFB quote in Lin Chew. 2003. Programme Consultation Meeting on the Protection of Domestic Workers Against the Threat of Forced Labour and Trafficking. Anti-Slavery Int'l and ILO
(16) quote on Rodney in Dave Renton. 2004. Dissident Marxism: Past Voices for Present Times. Zed Books.
(17) DWV quote in Staff. 2004. UNESCO report Struggle Against Discrimination. Studies in Human Rights
(18) POC reference in Sadananda Sahoo, et al. 2004. Indian diaspora, 1974-2004: A select bibliography. Sage, Social Change, vol 34, issue 4
(19) POC reference in Melvin Ember, Carol R. Ember, Ian Skoggard. 2004. Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Springer Science & Business Media. Hindu Diaspora in The United States
(20) paper reprinted in Kumar Mahabir. 2004. Trinidad & Tobago: Indian Arrival,vol 5, no. 1. May-Jun
(21) RIW quote: Shama Deonarine. 2005. Women Wise. Trinidadian Guardian, Jun 5
(22) DWV & VFS quoted extensively in Yamicia Connor. 2005. Preferential Treatment Policies: A Perspective into Affirmative Action in India and the United States. MIT, SP.660: Gender and Race, Work, & Public Policy. Spring.
(23) reference in Editorial. 2005. Quest for Justice and Equality: Dalits and Reservation. Fact Sheet, Quarterly Journal of Dalit Resource Center, VAK, Mumbai.
(24) reference in SISÄLTÖ. 2005. Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti AVAIN 2. (Finnish)
(25) quote in Crespo Sebunya. 2006. Shaking Up the Diaspora, Boloji, Apr 2.
(26) quote: Africanus. 2006. Walter Rodney, African Socialist. Nigeria Village Square. Jun 25.
(27) references in Preethy Sarah Samuel. 2006. Cultural Continuity Or Assimilation in the Familial Domain of the Indo-Guyanese. ProQuest.
(28) quote in Rajan. 2006. Sikhs in Caribbean, Stabroek News, May 22.
(29) reference in Desmond George-Williams. 2006. 'Bite Not One Another' Selected Accounts of Nonviolent Struggle in Africa. UN University for Peace, Africa Programme. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(30) reference in Mily Roy Anand and Mona Yadav. 2006. The inclusion of SC girls in education: A long path ahead. Sage Social Change, Dec 1
(31) reference in M A Schmid et al. 2006. Traditional food consumption and nutritional status of Dalit mothers in rural Andhra Pradesh, South India. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60, 1277–1283.
(32) quoted extensively in Preglathan G Padayachee. 2006. A study of affirmative action and employment equity in higher education institutions in KwaZulu-Natal. PhD thesis, Univ of South Africa.
(33) reference in Chulguen Yang, et al. 2006. A Cross-National Analysis of Affirmative Action: An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective. Managerial and Decision Economics, 27: 203-216.
(34) reference in Budd Hall, et. al. 2006. A Review of the State of the Field of Adult Learning: Social Movement Learning. Canadian Council on Learning, May.
(35) quote in Shivani Sivagurunathan. 2007. Coolie Cartography: Crossing Frontiers Through Coolitude. PhD thesis. University of Warwick, Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies. September
(36) quote in Gijsbert Oonk. 2007. Global Indian Diasporas: Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory. Amsterdam University Pres.s
(37) reference in Janet Naidu. 2007. Retention and Transculturation of Hinduism in the Caribbean. Guyana Journal, March.
(38) references in Sarmistha Pal and Sugata Ghosh. 2007. Elite Dominance and Under-Investment in Mass Education: Disparity in the Social Development of the Indian States, 1960-92. The Institute for the Study of Labor. June
(39) footnote in Sharon Harley. 2007. Women's Labor in the Global Economy: Speaking in Multiple Voices. Rutgers University Press, Jun 5
(40) reference in Martina Schmid, et al. 2007. Intervention with traditional food as a major source of energy, protein, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A for rural Dalit mothers and young children in Andhra Pradesh, South India. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr; 16 (1) : 84-93
(41) reference in Bournad Fatima. 2007. Dalit female fighting and challenging despair. Dec . and (Japanese)
(42) references in Palash Biswas. 2007. Re-allaince of Our Forces is a Must, Dalit Panchayat is the Base. Yahoo discussion group.
(43) reference in Yakin Erturk. 2007. Political Economy of Violence Against Women in Asia Pacific, Summary Report of the ASIA Pacific NGO Consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences. Manila, Philippines, Sept 12-13.
(44) reference in Ann Marie Bissessar. 2008. Female Participation in the Political Process in Trinidad and Tobago. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Governance and Institutional Re-engineering, pp. 184-202(19).
(45) reference in Véronique Bragard. 2008. Transoceanic Dialogues: Coolitude in Caribbean and Indian Ocean Literatures, Peter Lang.
(46) footnote in Eleanor Ty & Christl Verduyn, Eds. 2008. Asian Canadian Writing Beyond Autoethnography. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press. Aug 14
(47) source in Parbattie Ramsarran. 2008. The Indentured contract and its Impact on Labor Relationship and Community Reconstruction in British Guiana. International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory, Vol. 1, No. 2, Dec 177-188.
(48) reference in Farah Persaud. 2008. Immigration and Women's Empowerment: IndoCaribbeans in New York City. Pace University, Pforzheimer Honors College, Honors College Theses. Paper 77.
(49) reference in Larry Fiebert. 2008. Koreans and Asian Indians in the North Penn Area. Family Services, Needs Assessment Report.
(50) reference in Preethy S. Samuel and Leon C. Wilson. 2008. Values and beliefs of Indo-Guyanese: An assessment of the assimilation hypothesis. Wayne State University.
(51) reference in Shanthini Rebecca Cowley-Sathiakumar. 2008. The Sri Lankan Tamils: A Comparative Analysis of the Experiences of the Second Generation in the UK and Sri Lanka. PhD Thesis, Univ of Leeds, School of Sociology and Social Policy.
(52) quote in Oshun Auset. 2008. The effect of colonlialism on African women. African American, Feb 25
(53) reference in Smita Narula. 2008. Equal by Law, Unequal by Caste: The "Untouchable" Condition in Critical Race Perspective. Wisconsin Intl Law J, vol 26, no 2.
(54) quotes in Theresa Ferry. 2008. Dalit Girls' Education in India. ProQuest.
(55) reference in FAO. 2009. Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems: the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment and
(56) references in Mariam Pirbhai. 2009. Mythologies of Migration, Vocabularies of Indenture: Novels of the South Asian Diaspora in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. University of Toronto Press
(57) quotes in Ghan Shyam. 2009. Identity, Social Roots and Empowerment: A Study of the Low Castes Diaspora in the West Indies, in Diasporas: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
(58) quote in Seodial Frank Hubert Deena. 2009. Situating Caribbean Literature and Criticism in Multicultural and Postcolonial Studies. Peter Lang.
(59) quote in Janet A. Naidu. 2009. Indian Women of Guyana: reflections of their existence, survival and representation. Guyana Journal, Vol. 14 No. 6, June
(60) reference in Joel Kuortti. 2009. Writing Imagined Diasporas: South Asian Women Reshaping North American Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, May 5.
(61) article listed as suggested reading in Guida M Jackson. 2009. Women Leaders of Europe and the Western Hemisphere: A Biographical Reference. Xlibris Corporation, Aug 11
(62) reference in Bibi H Khanam & Raymond S Chickrie. 2009. 170th Anniversary of the Arrival of the First Hindustani Muslims from India to British Guiana. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol 29, no. 2, June.
(63) book included as part of exhibition. 2009. Caste, Ambedkar, and Contemporary India. Columbia University. Oct 16th and 17th
(64) reference in Klára Suchá. 2009. Woman Status after Marriage in Banda Area, India . Thesis, Univerzita Pardubice.
(65) reference in Malin Søderberg-Nanda. 2009. "I'm A Dalit, But I Would Like to Be a Human Being First and Foremost": Reservation, Politics and Scheduled Caste Identity in Higher Education. MA thesis in South Asia Studies, University of Oslo, Asian and African Studies Program, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages.
(66) book recommended: Project SHAKTI. 2009. Project SHAKTI was one of 100 Projects for Peace.
(67) reference in T Deane. 2009. A Commentary on the Positive Discrimination Policy of India. NZ: PER/PELJ, Vol 12, No 1.
(68) reference in Steven B. Mertens, Vincent A. Anfara, Kathleen Roney. 2009. An International Look at Educating Young Adolescents. IAP.
(69) part of a reading list: CJ Jackson. 2010. Intro to Caribbean Studies. Portland State Univ., Black Studies Dept.
(70) part of 2010. The Book List of Empire and Overseas Literature Project. Taiwan: National Tsing Hua University.
(71) reference in Hong Yun Park. 2010. Indian Representative Bureaucracy and Affirmative Action. Administration Journal (Article 48 No. 3 (Korean). and
(72) reference in Nandini Gunewardena. 2010. "Bitter Cane: Gendered Fields of Power in Sri Lanka’s Sugar Economy." Signs. Vol. 35, No. 2 (Winter), pp. 371-396
(73) reference in Clarinda Still. 2011. Spoiled Brides and the Fear of Education: Honour and Social Mobility among Dalits in South India. Modern Asian Studies, Volume 45, Issue 5 September 2011, pp. 1119-1146.
(74) reference in Sabrina Baksh-Riches. 2011. A History of Indo Guyanese Identity from India To Guyana to Richmond Hill, New York. Masters Thesis, University of Utah (UT). May.
(75) reference in Nandini Gunewardena. 2011. “Sugar coating”: the gender of structural violence in Sri Lanka’s sugarcane industry. In Du grain à moudre. Genre, développement rural et alimentation. (Dir.) C. Verschuur. 315-329. Actes des colloques genre et développement. Berne: DDC-Commission nationale suisse pour l’UNESCO;Genève: IHEID.
(76) reference in Cyra Akila Choudhury. 2011. Exporting Subjects: Globalizing Family Law Progress through International Human Rights. Michigan Journal of International Law, Volume 32, Issue 2.
(77) reference in 2011. Challenges In The Caribbean. Jan 4.
(78) reference in A Irudayam, et al. 2011. Dalit Women Speak Out: Caste, Class and Gender Violence in India. Zubaan Books
(79) reference in S Shantilin. 2011. Empowerment of Women Through Education: A Case Study of Puducherry Union Territory. PhD Thesis, Dept. of Ed, Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univ, Tamil Nadu. June.
(80) Cultural Intifada documentary reviewed and listed in Marvin Wingfield. 2011. Palestine in Film. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).
(81) reference in Vijayalakshmi Teelock, et al. 2012. "Archaeological Insights of the ‘Indenture Experience’: The Case of Trianon Barracks," in Angajē The Impact of Indenture Explorations into the history, society and culture of indentured immigrants and their descendants in Mauritius, Vol. 2. Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund, Mauritius, pp.121-138
(82) reference in Nasima Carrim. 2012. “Who am I?” - South African Indian women managers’ struggle for identity : escaping the ubiquitous cage. Thesis (PhD), University of Pretoria. and
(83) reference in Ezra Chitando and Sophie Chirongoma, eds. 2012. REDEMPTIVE MASCULINITIES: Men, HIV and Religion. World Council of Churches. EHAIA series
(84) Cultural Intifada screening: 2012. Oklahoma City University Film Institute’s 14th Annual Documentary SeriesAftermath. Center for Interpersonal Studies through Film and Literature, Oklahoma City U. Aug 27.
(85) Cultural Intifada screening: 2012. Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Nov 29.
(86) article listed in Monika Bisht, Rakesh Ranjan & Sadananda Sahoo. 2013. Bibliography: A Hand-book on Diaspora and Transnationalism. Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism
(87) footnote in Gaiutra Bahadur. 2013. Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture. University of Chicago Press, Nov 1
(88) reference in WHN Reporter. 2013. Retention and Transculturation of Hinduism in the Caribbean. WHN, Nov 2.
(89) reference in Suman K Kasturi. 2013. Adapting Communication to Empower Dalit Women: A Case Study of Dalit Sthree Sakthi. Intl J of Soc Sci & Interdisciplinary Research, USSIR Vol 2(10)
(90) Review: Staff. 2013. Cultural Intifada? Hip-Hop, Poetry Slam and activism for Palestine (Hungarian)
(91) list: Staff. 2013. Artist Roster. Artists Against Apartheid. March.
(92) reference in Shireen Keyl. 2014.Subaltern Pedagogy: Education, Empowerment and Activism among African Domestic Workers in Beirut, Lebanon. PhD Thesis, University of Arizona.
(93) reference in Margaret Fitzpatrick. 2014. Globalizing Teacher Labor for the Knowledge Economy: The Case of New York City's Caribbean Teachers. PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
(94) reference in Samson Ovichegan. 2014. ‘Being a Dalit Female' : Exploring the experiences of students at one elite Indian university. Univ of London, King's College, Centre for Public Policy Research Working Papers Series, Paper No: 7
(95) footnote in Papiya Ghosh. 2014. Partition and the South Asian Diaspora: Extending the Subcontinent. Routledge, Mar 21
(96) reference in Clarinda Still. 2015. Dalits in Neoliberal India: Mobility or Marginalisation? Routledge, Jul 17
(97) Exhibition: 12 posters. 2015. Art Makes Change – VisionLA ’15 Fine Art Exhibit, Los Angeles, Dec 1st - 10th, Bergamot Station.
(98) reference in Maurits Hassankhan, Goolam Vahed, Lomarsh Roopnarine. 2016. Indentured Muslims in the Diaspora: Identity and Belonging of Minority Groups in Plural Societies. Routledge, Nov 10
(99) reference in Estherine Adams and Shammane J Jackson. 2016. Partition or Perish: Eusi Kwayana's Peculiar Solution to Guyana's Race Problem - 50 Years Later. Golden Jubilee Symposium Series, University of Guyana.
(100) references/quotes in Mary Grey. 2016. A Cry for Dignity: Religion, Violence and the Struggle of Dalit Women in India. Routledge, Jun 16.
(101) reference in S. Kavita. 2016 "Land Distribution and Status of Dalits," IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 21, Issue 2, Ver. VII (Feb) PP 16-20
(102) Kirkus Reviews. 2016. Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming by Moses Seenarine. Jun 2
(103) MCC reference in Paul G Harris. 2016. Global Ethics and Climate Change: Learning Guide. A Companion to Global Ethics and Climate Change, 2nd Ed. Edingburg Studies in Global Ethics.
(104) MCC book review: Marc Bekoff. 2016. "Psychological and Environmental Aspects of Who We Eat: A new book explores how our meal plans are ruining earth and remedies for change." Psychology Today, Aug 26
(105) Transcript: 2016 "Meat Climate Change" interview with Caryn Hartglass on Responsible Eating. PRN.FM, Oct 20
(106) Video: 2016. "Intersection of Climate and Food" Talk via Skype, VegfestUK London Pro-Intersectional Vegan Conference, Oct 23
(107) MCC review: Robert McLean. 2016. "Vegan choice is brave and bold," Press Reader, Jul 26
(108) CVEG/author listed as one of only 14 current and past scholars on Modern Matriarchal Studies
(1) reference in João Feres Júnior. n.d. Comparing Justifications for Policies of Affirmative Action: USA and Brazil. (Portuguese)
(2) reference in C. Umamaheswara Rao. n.d. Land Revenue Administration: A Historical Look.
(3) references in Meleisa Ono-George. n.d. '“Coolies”, Containment, and Resistance: The Indentured System in British Guiana.' CA: UVIC
(4) reference in MM Ninan. n.d. Aryan Invasion & Expansion in India. Talent Share.
(5) quote in Course Materials. n.d. Diaspora and Transnational Communities. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), School of Social Sciences, Intl Relations.
(6) reference in n.d. Magic in the Real: Caribbean Magical Realism and the Acquisition of Female Sexual Agency in Buxton Spice and Cereus Blooms at Night . Thesis, UMass Amherst, College of Humanities and Fine Arts
(7) article: n.d. Latin American Network Information Center, Women and Gender Studies List of Regional Resources
(8) reference n.d. Indian thesis on migration from Punjab.
(9) source: n.d. Certificate Course in Women Empowerment Through SHGs, Paper II: Strategic Approach for Women Empowerment, Periyar University.
(11) Video: mentioned in The Caribbean East Indians @ 10:25 mins
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